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The right stuff for men: well-being

These nutrients are a must in a man’s well-being routine

Men and women are similar in many ways but there are differences when it comes to well-being and health. For a long time men’s health – and their mental health in particular – was a taboo subject, largely due to rigid role models and stereotypes.

Fortunately, these days men’s health is being given much more attention. It’s a subject that’s treated more transparently and with more commitment, especially thanks to initiatives such as Movember or Men’s World Day. To support this new approach to men’s well-being, we offer a range of micronutrients and plant extracts, specially designed for male well-being routines.



Zinc is an essential trace element and is involved in many different processes in the male body that can have an impact on general well-being. For instance, zinc supports the preservation of normal testosterone levels in the blood, and contributes to healthy fertility and reproduction. Since the body can neither produce nor store zinc, it’s important to get a regular intake of this trace element either through food, or by taking a food supplement. A zinc deficiency can lead to low testosterone levels which can have a negative impact on energy, muscle building and libido.



Like zinc, selenium is a vital micronutrient and it’s an important building block for many enzymes that are essential to biological processes. In the male body, selenium supports sperm formation. For men, sperm formation is a factor that can have an effect on overall well-being. It ensures the ability to reproduce, and influences sexual well-being and hormonal balance – particularly testosterone production – so it has an impact on mental well-being as well.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and is found in many different fruits and vegetables. It is a classic among the vitamins, and offers various kinds of support with regard to well-being. Thanks to its impressive antioxidant potential, Vitamin C can help to neutralise free radicals in the body, and strengthen protection against oxidative stress. In addition, Vitamin C supports mental and nervous system function.


Damiana leaf extract
Damiana has been used since time immemorial and it is reported that it was already being used by the Mayas as an aphrodisiac, and by the Aztecs to boost general well-being. And it’s not just its historic use that’s impressive, but also the scientific facts. Numerous findings demonstrate the positive sexual influence of damiana leaf extract. One study with Liboost® damiana leaf extract, which is also used in CAPS mascu, showed a 40% increase in the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) amongst the men who took part. At the same time, a positive influence on sexual desire was noted.


Ginseng root

Ginseng is a plant that has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese and Korean medicine for boosting general well-being. The ginseng root is most notably said to have a positive impact on cognitive functions and sexual well-being. As a so-called adaptogen, ginseng may also have an influence on well-being by preparing the body for different kinds of stress, and supporting it.


Fenugreek seed

Fenugreek seed is an all-rounder and is used all over the world as a seasoning, foodstuff and medicinal plant. The plant not only has a broad spectrum of uses, but the substances it contains are also said to have antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and an ability to offer support in the area of weight management. With regard to promoting male well-being, studies have been conducted into a fenugreek seed extract known as AlphaFen®. The results of these research studies have shown improvements in sexual well-being, positive effects on mood, and improved quality of life, sleep and body strength.

Small-leaved willow herb

Small-leaved willow herb is greatly valued because it contains a lot of ellagitannins. These may help to improve a benign enlargement of the prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia). A study has confirmed this effect and most notably showed encouraging results with regard to the inhibition of cells that can trigger benign prostatic hyperplasia. In addition, other research indicates that willow herb extract with standardised oenothein B, the plant’s main ellagitannin, has antioxidant properties and can increase the activity of the antioxidant superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the body. SOD is one of the most important enzymes in the body which can help to protect the organism against oxidative stress.

Which RINGANA product contains these substances?

To support your general well-being and optimise your daily routine, we recommend CAPS mascu. This food supplement which was specially developed for men of all ages has a natural formulation with a targeted combination of all of the above-mentioned substances, offering the best possible support to the male body.

With CAPS mascu you ensure that you are best prepared every day for the challenges of daily life, and can focus without distraction on your well-being.

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